Dianshu Liao is a PhD student in Computer Science at the Australian National University (ANU). His research areas mainly involve mobile software engineering (i.e., Android performance analysis), and intelligent software engineering (SE4AI, AI4SE). In particular, his research focuses on applying large language models, knowledge graphs, and program analysis techniques to enhance the performance of software systems.

He is open to collaboration and welcomes inquiries from individuals with overlapping research interests. Please feel free to reach out if you believe our research interests align.

📝 Publications (* means co-first author)

  • Context-Aware Code Generation Framework for Code Repositories: Local, Global, and Third-Party Library Awareness
    Dianshu Liao, Shidong Pan, Qing Huang, Xiaoxue Ren, Zhenchang Xing, Huan Jin, Qinying Li. Preprint

  • SE Factual Knowledge in Frozen Giant Code Model: A Study on FQN and its Retrieval
    Dianshu Liao*, Qing Huang*, Zhenchang Xing, Zhiqiang Yuan, Qinghua Lu, Xiwei Xu, Jiaxing Lu. Preprint

  • Enhancing Exploratory Testing by Large Language Model and Knowledge Graph
    Yanqi Su, Dianshu Liao, Zhenchang Xing, Qing Huang, Mulong Xie, Qinghua Lu, Xiwei Xu. ICSE2024

  • Semantic-Enriched Code Knowledge Graph to Reveal Unknowns in Smart Contract Code Reuse
    Dianshu Liao*, Qing Huang*, Zhenchang Xing, Zhengkang Zuo, Changjing Wang, Xin Xia. TOSEM2023